Let's move on to Create a sim. There are
two new hairs and a load of new
lipsticks and all. If you more of a
custom contenter you probably have
enough coloured lip makeup to last a
life time. Yet I am really glad
they put this in because its just like bringing
back the base game :D.
♦︎Hey guys , yesterday was the big release of the sims 4's latest update. I am really enjoying the update so far and I hope you guys are to. If you have not updated your game yet its free and totally , if you don't know how to just click HERE and it will direct you to a simple video that will help you update you game. Anyway through my game play I have added some of my fave features of this update on this post but remember there are so many more features that you should check out yourself :D.
From the minute you open your game there are new updates. The
new "My Packs" feature is super awesome. Basically what
this does is it shows you all the latest packs and informations
about the packs you have bought. This is also super awesome because
it shows us all
the content thats going to come in get to work and
I am sure everyone wants that. |
Lets talk about the new world view. So when you have
finished your CAS this is what should pop up. I do like
it a bit more than the one before. I just like general feel of not
really knowing what the world will look like , kinda like when
you got a new expansion in the sims 3. |
This is the big one most of us simmers have
been waiting for in this update. Basements , ah the joys of building underground houses in the sims have come to sims 4. You can find this mode
just with the normal wall building tools on build mode. I have had a load of fun with it so far and
I hope to be playing around with it in a video soon. |
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