Monday, 17 August 2015

♦︎Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff Review♦︎

♦︎Hey guys so last week on the 11th of August the latest stuff pack was released for the sims 4. The stuff pack was called "Cool Kitchen Stuff

♦︎Create a Sim
I was really happy with what we got in this pack CAS wise. I think there where still one or two items they maybe they just did not need to add or needed some improving on mainly with the female clothing. There was one I could just not see my self using. In some of my more recent reviews like my spa day review I pointed out that there was not much original male clothing well the sims has surprised me with this stuff pack and has added a really great selection of new clothing items for the male sims.

♦︎Build & Buy
The items we get with build and buy are honestly flawless I don't really have anything negative to say about the design or mesh , but I wish they added more actual kitchen stuff :P. With the free update from two weeks ago I was really hoping they might have added a new style dishwasher. Anyway maybe I was hoping for too much because the pack did have a similar amount of items (CAS and Build & Buy) as past stuff pack.

Now the gameplay item they have really been putting out there is the new ice cream making machine. So to get all recipes for the ice cream you need to be level 10 in the cooking skills ( kind of like the cup cake machine in the base game ). This ice cream machine was all that I expected plus more. I thought the fact that you could add little toppings was so super "cool". I think my favourite combination would have to be : Vanilla Ice Cream ,   Sprinkles and waffles. Once you have chosen all your toppings you can choose to have your ice cream in a bowl or cone.

♦︎Pros & Cons

♦︎ Is It Worth Buying  ?
I would honestly wait for a sale to buys this. Although it comes with pretty decent CAS items and of course the ice cream machine I don't think its worth 10 USD. I mean I really love this pack but I don't think it lives up to the past 2 stuff packs.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

♦︎ Spa Day Game Pack Review ♦︎

♦︎ This week was the release of the sims 4 Spa Day , the second game pack to the sims 4.

♦︎So I am first going to talk about when you first install this game. It is $160 HKD and around $20 USD . Unfortunately though you can only buy this pack on origin digitally so if you are a CD kinda person you might have let it go :P . When you install the game the first time you will see will be a big notice telling you the game play elements. Don't worry if you want to see it again as you can go into the button at the top of your home screen that say "packs" and you can find the same information.

♦︎Now for my thoughts on CAS. Honestly I was pretty happy with what we got for the female sims , the hairs where beautiful the gym wear was just what I would expect would be in a pack like this and overall it was just really impressive. On the other hand though the male clothing was a bit unoriginal to be blunt. Although there wheres some new ones and some clothing items if you where looking for a laugh I honestly though there was not much. Most of the hairs was just the same style as the shorter female hairs and the tops looks similar to those of the base game and other packs. Anyway I think that the CAS for this was decent and was a pretty good amount for what you payed.

♦︎On that note I think that the build and buy mode impressed nearly all the simmers who have purchased this pack. I think the amount of build and buy mode content was just awesome. You had all the appropriate spa items and more. I am not going into full detail about the items you get ( mainly because that would be way to long of a blog post ) but I think that if you are someone who is  really into the build and buy part of the game this pack is for you.

♦︎One of the key parts of this pack was the introduction of the wellness skill. This skills is probably one of the coolest skills in the sims 4. Levelling up in this skill give you a load of advantages like new healthy recipes for your sims to cook and different yoga poses. When you get to the higher level of this skill your sims can even teleport. This skill really impressed me I was surprised that it had so many elements and that it was so fun to level up in.

♦︎Lets talk about the most important thing ( in my opinion ) the gameplay. It was crazy how much fun I had playing this pack. There are so many things to explore in this pack it might takes days even weeks  before you try out everything. I love how the sims is just adding all these amazing things from the sims 3 and then making them better in the sims 4. My favourite gameplay element was the yoga. I  loved taking my sims to the yoga classes. It was so cool seeing your sims progress in the skill.

♦︎Now before I go on to my overall opinion of this pack here are some pro's and con's.

♦︎I think that this is a really great pack. Even if your not much of a spa person you can still find loads of fun from of this. If your not getting it for the sake of gameplay get it for the build and buy mode items. Honestly I think this pack was better that the previous pack "outdoor retreat". I think I would give this pack a 8/10 .

Sunday, 9 August 2015

♦︎Sims 4 Dishwasher Update ♦︎

♦︎Hey guys it didi and last week there was a new update ( 7th August 2015 ). This update is for the release of "Cool Kitchen Stuff". Anyway lets take a look at this update.

♦︎So We are going to be talking about the dishwasher in this blog post. This is just a great item they have finally brought to the sims 4. You can find the dishwasher in the "Kitchen Appliances" section in buy mode. Its super easy to use. All you need to do is select the dishes you want to wash they click clean and your sims will automatically bring them to the dishwasher.

♦︎Although your dishwasher only come in some colours its very easy and great to customise because of the way you place it. Putting the dishwasher down in buy mode is simple. All you have to do is place it inside one of your counters and it looks really good.

♦︎If your interested in finding out if the sims has fixed any of your games glitches and or bugs click here : ♦︎


Wednesday, 5 August 2015

♦︎ New Sims 4 Game Pack , Update and ... ICE CREAM ??? ♦︎ Also EA Gamescom NEWS ! ♦︎

♦︎I hope you guys had a great weeks last week , because 5 days ago they announced the release of "The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff". This pack will be coming to origin on august 11th , so in about  two weeks. I imagine this game will be available on origin and will be the normal stuff pack price of $80 HKD and $10 USD.

♦︎So the game play element in this stuff pack is ICE CREAM !!!!!!!!. This is honestly the best thing ever. So your sims can make Ice Creams and gelato , plus you can add toppings. There are 30 flavours to create and some of them may lead to "unusual abilities" - The Sims.

♦︎In this pack there will be some wonderful new content to spice up your sims kitchens. Even better they will be new kitchen appropriate clothing and hair. What about the people who will not be getting this stuff pack ?. Well your in luck because the sims has said the will be releasing a new update before the pack comes up with a dish washer.

 ♦︎ I love the sound of this pack and honestly can not wait for it to comes out.

♦︎Well what about EA gamescom. For you sims fan who could not tune in to the gamescon here is the ( amazing ) sims new thats was released. They told us thats the next sims expansion pack will be called...GET TO TOGETHER. This seems like a party based  expansion and only from the trailer we can already see that there will be ... DJ Booths ( hopefully a new skill ) , Bonfires , Swimming in lakes and maybe even a new woohoo locations. This will include a new world , the world has a very European inspired ascetic and looks amazing. I can not wait for more new on this game pack as we get closer to November.

        ♦︎HAPPY SIMMING♦︎               ( You can watch the trailer by clicking on the photos )