Tuesday, 31 March 2015

♦︎Sims 4 Get To Work♦︎ General Review ♦︎

♦︎By Didi The Simmer ( didithesimmer.blogspot.com ) 

♦︎Hey Guys it's didi here , Today was the release of Sims 4 Get To Work ( as you can tell from the title :p )  being in Hong Kong we got it over 8 hours before the general USA simmer and The poor simmers in the UK have to still wait another day :'(. Anyway as I have been playing for over 5 hours strait I was just like WAIT ONE MINUTE I HAVE NOT DONE A REVIEW ! so lol here it is enjoy :D

♦︎First lets start from the title screen , if you remember in the sims 3 we used to get a new loading

screen every "Stuff Pack" or expansion pack , in the sims 4 we get these little I guess what you could call Logo's or Images really. Also when your home screen come on the "Info" tab from the "My Packs" page will pop up strait away so you can read all about your new content and soon to be game play experience.

♦︎Anyway now to most people favourite part of all expansion is the Create a Sim. I was supplied at the level of effort put in to the Content into CAS. The detail was amazing and they seem to know just what most of the simmers want in their game. I thought the casual style ( the cloths not used in work ) was pretty cute and very Hippie or Boho kind of style ( sorry if I messed that up my fashion vocab is kinda limited , at least clothing wise :p ). My next fave for create a sim option is for sure that you can create an alien , STRAIT OUT OF CAS !. I am so glad they are bringing in the feature where you don't just have to be a normal sim the whole time , like in Supernatural. If your more of a CAS person and your looking for a good sims 4 or sims 3 expansion this should for sure be on your list.

♦︎Next lets talk town / city wise.  I think one of the small amount of thing I was disappointed about in this update was the town. It is pretty small and mostly consists of retail lots and there is one empty lot. But I don't think this takes away all the fun of the game in fact I don't think it impacts the game play in a bad way at all. Lets juts keep in mind that the main purpose of this expansion was to be creative in a fun career not hang at your lot all day in a some what large town but hey I guess that would still be fun for a sim too... :P. Overall I think its great that they added this I mean its one extra town to prove you have a lot of expansion with.
♦︎Now lets get on to the main purpose of the game ( not large towns :P ) the careers. I only chose one career because I did not want to have to much of a large post as I will be posting more about careers through the week. So I chose "retail" this is my favourite Active Career just because it reminds me slightly of "Island Paradise" making a resort. Island paradise was the first Expansion pack I ever downloaded and I have done a general game play overview on it , if your interested you can check it out here or go to the side bar and look for "The Sims 3 Expansion Pack Basics". Anyway back to the point I found this career loads of fun. It's so fun and easy to sell items , put them on sale , hire employees and you can even move your money for your household to your retail lot just like a mini sims bank account :P. Honestly I had a blast playing this career and I hope you enjoy the video I will be uploading later with the in's and out's of the retail career :D ♦︎.    

♦︎All though I only gave you a small peek at my Get To Work experience I have enjoyed every bit of game play so far. I can not wait to  share a full Let's Play series of this game , it really was a great start to the expansion packs and set the bar high for future packs to I can't wait ♦︎HAPPY SIMMING♦︎

*Rember you can purchase the sims 4 Get To Work on origin for $310 HKD and $40 USD NOW ! so get your hand on this expasion :D. 

Monday, 30 March 2015

♦︎"Get To Work" NEW CONTENT♦︎

♦︎You may know that in the most recent "The Sims 4" update there a multiple new features. One of the new features includes some content they may be of interest to you my fellow simmer. In the new update in the "My Packs" section you can find all the current "game packs" , expansions , "Stuff Packs" and more. So you can purchase sims 4 "Get To Work" for pre-order and it shows up in that section of your game. THUS releasing all content for the game.  Anyway take a look for your self

♦︎Next I am just going to do another small preview of what I have done and what you can do with the new sims 4 update

♦︎Also The Sims 4 "Get To Work" will be out for purchase in less than 4 hours ( Hong Kong ) So I am super excited to get my hands on the game when I wake up in the morning and tomorrow there will be a blog post with my first look at of the sims 4 "Get To Work" and hopefully the first Ep of my LP ( also todays trouble twins will also be included ).

Me taking advantage of the new basement
feature. Loads of fun. 
YAS I finally found all the easter eggs
if you follow me on twitter you know
I am not good at things like scavenger hunts :P
Check out the little easter home I made
with the new basement and easter
content update. It now out on the gallery my
Sims gallery user is Didimoo35
Get To work is out in only a few days
make sure you check some of my other
blog posts on the sims get to work
here : ♦︎

Sunday, 29 March 2015

♦︎Sims 4 "Get To Work" Creating Your Own Business♦︎ Sims 4 Basements Patch♦︎

♦︎Hey guys in todays post I will be updating you on loads of news. first things first this morning the sims youtube channel posted a video on one of the new options in the very first sims 4 expansion pack "Get To Work". Also the patch that comes before the latest expansion pack will include basements YAY ! all the dreams of underground houses are now being brought into the sims 4.

Watch Video Here : ♦︎

♦︎First lets talk about what type of stores you can build. The first store is a fashion boutique. This is super cool and I am kinda hoping that it will bring more wardrobe kinda items to the sims because that would be really awesome. I think the fashion boutique is probably the most anticipated job when it comes to this expansion pack. Apart from that I think this will defiantly be a job that I will get my sims to get involved with.

♦︎Now lets talk about the bakery. Being an home baker myself ( Calling myself makes me feel good I
a doubt you could even call me a amateur baker ) I am really looking forward to playing this. I believe this the main job that will be including the basement that we will be talking about , a bit down the page. I am not to sure on most of the features in this active career but I think it's basically just like how your sim would normally bake just on a larger scale.

♦︎I think maybe the coolest one yet would have to be the photography studio. You get a selection of different backgrounds for the sims to pose on. You can choose models to pose on your backdrops too. I think this is a super
cool job as I believe you get to photograph weddings , party's and more I am really , really looking forward to this job and I will for sure update you on more.

♦︎Bringing in one of my fave features from the "Sims 3 Island Paradise" expansion pack was choosing your employees and then giving them outfits. Hopefully you will be able to put them in any outfit because I would very much enjoy my employees walking around in bear costumes ( From Sims 4 "Outdoor Retreat" game pack ) and yes I will do that in an LP if that is an option.

♦︎Basements ♦︎In the next patch out for the sims 4 we will be able to build basements. In the sims 3 I always loved to make underground houses pools and more. So far all we know is that this patch will be coming out before "Get To Work" as it is advertised in the trailer for the bakery career.

♦︎Don't forget that the sims 4 "Get To Work" will be out for download this april and is now out for preorder on origin. Also the new patch with basements will be completely free. ♦︎

♦︎Happy Simming♦︎

♦︎Sims Video Update♦︎29th March 2015♦︎

♦︎Select view on "YouTube" to see all links to Custom Content


Friday, 27 March 2015

♦︎NEW Sims 4 Update♦︎26th March♦︎

Let's move on to Create a sim. There are
two new hairs and a load of new
lipsticks and all. If you more of a
custom contenter you probably have
enough coloured lip makeup to last a
life time. Yet I am really glad
they put this in because its just like bringing
back the base game :D.

♦︎Hey guys , yesterday was the big release of the sims 4's latest update. I am really enjoying the update so far and I hope you guys are to. If you have not updated your game yet its free and totally , if you don't know how to just click HERE and it will direct you to a simple video that will help you update you game. Anyway through my game play I have added some of my fave features of this update on this post but remember there are so many more features that you should check out yourself :D.
From the minute you open your game there are new updates. The
new "My Packs" feature is super awesome. Basically what
this does is it shows you all the latest packs and informations
about the packs you have bought. This is also super awesome because
it shows us all
the content thats going to come in get to work and
I am sure everyone wants that. 
Lets talk about the new world view. So when you have
finished your CAS this is what should pop up. I do like
it a bit more than the one before. I just like general feel of not
really knowing what the world will look like , kinda like when
you got a new expansion in the sims 3. 
This is the big one most of us simmers have
been waiting for in this update. Basements , ah the joys of building underground houses in the sims have come to sims 4. You can find this mode
just with the normal wall building tools on build mode. I have had a load of fun with it so far and
I hope to be playing around with it in a video soon. 

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

♦︎Get To Work Official Trailer♦︎Custom Content That can "WORK" It♦︎

♦︎Check out the official trailer before the big release of the sims "Get To Work". Also don't forget that this week is the NEW update for "Get To Work" plus in this edition we will get basements , I am hoping to be posting a ♦︎BLOG LIMITED♦︎ video of me testing it out.

Created By : mayadee
Created By :AlvaroCeballos

♦︎ Pick Out Some Custom Content for your Bust Working Sims♦︎
♦︎ No we all know that with all the different stores and careers a load of new content should be coming out with this expansion , but is that enough do you want to treat you self to just a little more. Well I picked out some CC I though was classy and formal enough for your sims on the job.

By : JinxTrinity 

                                                          ♦︎HAPPY SIMMING♦︎

Monday, 23 March 2015

♦︎Electronic Arts Presents *Still Life*♦︎New Sims 4 "Get To Work" Short♦︎

♦︎This clip is a romantic clip about two mannequins in love... YET they can not be together because they are across the store from each other. Oh okay lets be real EA knows how to get some giggles out of gamers , so if you are looking for a laugh this is the video for you. So check it out.

                                                                ♦︎HAPPY SIMMING♦︎

♦︎Don't Forget "Get To Work" is out in 7 days only so get your hands on the new expansion as soon as it comes out. 

Saturday, 21 March 2015

♦︎Sims CAS Custom Backgrounds♦︎Sims 3 & Sims 4♦︎

♦︎Hey guys its didi the simmer here and today I am going to be doing a custom content showcase.
Recently I have done a few CC faves I guess , you could call them a showcase but I don't really upload photos and preview them its more just inspiration for create a sim ( or CAS ). Anyway lets get into installing this.

♦︎First things first you are going to need to find out how to install custom content ( CC ). I have uploaded a video for you to check out on how to do that ( Just so you know I have not uploaded a video on sims 3 Mod download so I will add a link to a video that I have used.

♦︎Sims 4 HOW TO INSTALL CC VID *PC* ( not by me) ♦︎
♦︎Sims 3 HOW TO INSTALL CC VID *PC* (not by me )♦︎

♦︎Anyway once you know how to instal CC you are all set and you can take it easy from here ( unless you have no space on your lap top , then again with that you have other problems to deal with :P ). First things first you need to download your background. here are the links to where I got my backgrounds.

♦︎Sims 4 Backgrounds
♦︎Sims 3 Backgrounds

♦︎Now you have them installed if you are doing this for a sims 4 game ( if you are doing this for sim 3 you can skip this ) you will need to download the "BLOB REMOVER" this is just a mod to get rid of the CAS blob that comes with the base game. You can download this from the same page that you got the sims 4 back grounds from.

♦︎Finally you need to install them by putting them in your mods folder ( in the tutorials )

♦︎So now I will give you my verdict on the back grounds.
 Look for a simmer like me , my game would not be the same without custom content , so this is a perfect download for me. Maybe this is not something you really want to spend your time doing if your not as big on the whole CC thing or you just d
on't want to take the space and time on your computer , but I think even if you are bit like that I would suggest its for sure something you should take 3 minutes out of your life to do. Hey its not like your watching a 2 hour movie in a foreign language and no subtitles , so its pretty easy to do. The fact that you can do this for sims 4 and sims 3 and maybe even sims 2 ( I will check and update in my twitter ) is pretty cool. Really I think this is just a fun thing to spice up your game a little , its not crazy important but its something you should try out.


       ♦︎HAPPY SIMMING ♦︎

Thursday, 19 March 2015

♦︎Sims 4 "Get To Work"♦︎Have Some Fun !♦︎

♦︎Here You can Take a quiz and find out what
Sims 4 Get To Work career "works" for you
the best. I got Business :P.
Why is he so freaked out ? Could it be
an being from another world ?. Check
It out on the sims.com.
♦︎At the end of this month is the big release of get to work , Get To Work is the first expansion pack to be on the market for sims 4 Players like me and you. Anyway here are some super fun activties and videos that the Sims.com has created for us to entertain our selves and get into the game play while the big wait for the expansion pack is going on.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

♦︎Creating Crazy Sims♦︎Sims 4 Custom Content♦︎

♦︎Hey guys today I have chosen some super awesome crazy sims CC that you can download to create some super snazzy sims. I though this was only appropriate because of the release of aliens in sims 4 "Get to Work" 

Avatar Skin
By : tatygagg

Multi Colour Eyebrows
By : giadollie

Clear Eyes
By : tsming_3


Monday, 16 March 2015

♦︎Sims 4 Lets Play♦︎Part 1♦︎

♦︎Hey guys sorry I did not write a post yesterday I was feeling bit ill. Anyway I am restarting my sims 4 Lets Play just because I have been losing track of my first sims 4 LP♦︎ It all will make sense when I talk about it in the video♦︎ Till then ♦︎HAPPY SIMMING♦︎

Friday, 13 March 2015

♦︎AWESOME♦︎Sims 4 "Get To Work News"♦︎Previews & Interviews♦︎

♦︎Hey Guys so sorry I am not adding any screenshots , but there will be some videos by simmers who have made some previews. Also even better news there is some release date for "Get To Work" and if you don't know it yet it is a lot earlier then I though :P. Also I do have a slight idea about the prices thanks to some awesome people on twitter. So there is new features and more and I am really happy to go into it and I was super happy. Juts keep in mind I found out all this info from different simmers and other youtube channels.

♦︎The Release Date is the 31st Of March 2015

♦︎First things first lets talk about the price range. I am going to be honest its a pretty fair price for what you get. Its is around $40 USD and about $310 HKD. I got this information from @Lifesimmer  
@Englishsimmer , and that whole sentence was totally just a way to brag about popular simmers replying to my tweet :P. Anyway I think we might just have to wait and she price wise because it might be cheaper or even more.

♦︎Next I want to talk about the town you get "Magnolia Promenade" from what I have heard throughout videos its a pretty small town but it looks super cute and really fun to play in. It mainly consist of all the active career buildings but I don't know if  it has any houses.

♦︎Now we can go into aliens. This is what I am really looking forward to ,  you can go to the alien realm and your sims can go to the realm by having the scientist career. You can be an alien in create a sim. Aliens can be in human suits so within each Career there is a way to tell if someone an alien. Like in sims 3 expansion pack your sims can have kids with aliens to. BTW aliens can make men pregnant.

♦︎With the 31st March patch you will be able to have 2 floors of basements and now you can have a 4th floor on your houses now. This means you can have up to a 6 floor house.

♦︎I am super excited for the first Sims 4 Expansion pack and will defiantly be posting more

♦︎Here are some awesome videos that might give you a few more bits on information
            SimsVIP Sim Guru Interview Part 1
            SimsVIP Sim Guru Interview Part 2
            Deligracy Preview

♦︎Sims 4 Custom Content♦︎ Sims 4 10th March 2015 Patch♦︎

♦︎With the new Sims 4 Update there is some great news for my fellow mac users. You should now be able to install up to , around 1000 pieces if custom content. Hopefully this number can get even bigger as the sims 4 mac community grows. Today I went through the sims resource and picked out an out 3 pieces of CC that I really liked each photo is linked so when you click on it , it will go strait to the download page. Find out more about this patch here :  MORE INFO                                                                                                             
♦︎By : Cleotopia
♦︎By : Stealthic♦︎Download
♦︎By : Colores Urbanos ♦︎Download 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

♦︎Get To Work Active Career Scientist ♦︎

♦︎The sims 4 get to work Expansion pack is coming out this april and this week "TheSims" YouTube channel released a video with all the in's and out of the latest active career the scientist.

♦︎If you want check out the video click here : VIDEO 

♦︎If you sim chooses to take the scientist career their job will include searching for items to make potions. If you already own a copy of the sims 4 then you will know sims can search for items like furniture and other items to. These objects are used to make potions.

♦︎You can test you sims potions on themselves or on the other sims in the town. These potions can change a sims shape , size , the way they feels and more. Of course these potions can be used for good or bad. Yet it could be extremely funny watching you sim walk around the town turning all sims to ghosts :P.

♦︎Finally we can talk about creations these can go from what we just talked about , potions to new
tech that sims can play and learn with. Before you do this your sim needs to have an inspirational moment or a eureka moment. eureka moments happen when you sim has an idea that it can then create in a large machine that looks totes epic.

♦︎Sims 4 Trouble Twins Lets Play♦︎Part 1♦︎

♦︎In Case you guys have not noticed I have done a full out makeover for all my social media including this blog XD , So thats why everything is now pastel purple and pinks and stuff. Tomorrow I will be posting new stuff on the Scientist Active Careers with the sims 4 "Get To Work" I know the new came out a while ago but I was so caught up in my Lets Plays BTW for some reason  love the thumbnail that I made for this LP its just so much more original than my normal Lets Play covers fro some reason ????. anyway ♦︎HAPPY SIMMING♦︎

Friday, 6 March 2015

♦︎Sims 3 "SHOWTIME WEEK"♦︎ Sim Port ♦︎

♦︎Hey guys I will admit I am kinda upset its the last showtime week post but there is gonna be so many more weeks like this ( only if you guys enjoy it ). The Link to the guide will be on the side of the blog so you can read all posts with showtime week and other showtime post :D. I also forgot its 9:00 PM at night and I am eating nerd :P #ToGoodToBetTue    

♦︎Lets get to the start shall we. Anyway sim ports kinda like a sims twitter ( kinda ) like you share your sim achievements and can post status update and you can also get gifts like potions and items from the sims 3 store. Anyway so you need to log into your sims 3 exchange account or your origin account ( they are pretty much the same :p). Anyway once you have logged in you will be able to send your sims to your sims 3 friends towns. 
♦︎To get your sims to other towns you will have to go through some little steps like choosing the area that the sim will perform in. It ranges from street corners to live stages and stadiums . The sims will be sent there once you choose your venue. 
♦︎After this your sims will have to be a certain level the lowest level the sims have to be is at leafs level 3 of their careers. I think the thing that makes me most upset it that the player you will be playing with can only have the same career levels as you. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

♦︎Sims 3 "SHOWTIME"♦︎ Active Professions ♦︎

♦︎Hey guys welcome to the 4th post of showtime week lol , I we only have a bit to get through before you know all the basics. Anyway today I will be talking about the professions.

♦︎The professions Include : Singers , Acrobat and Magician

♦︎Magicians are great and a load of fun . My favourite things has got to be when they do a show. The magicians will shod other sims with tricks and amaze them. then again your simagicains :P will fail ALOT and I mean ALOT at first , from pulling out flowers and they poof away to we'll wearing a strange bunny costume. overall this is not my first choice when it comes to choosing an aspirations but it sure is fun♦︎

♦︎The acrobat Careers has got to be my favourite. From flips and tricks and more. Yet you have to start at the beginning and that includes the mime. although its pretty funny watching your sims run away from fake wind and pretend they are in a box I was kinda hoping the sims would do tricks at first but I guess that would remove some of the fun of the gam. Anyway when your sims level up from performing at gigs and performing for tips your sims will be cartweeling and back flipping everywhere. ♦︎

♦︎The singer profession. Is really what you  would expect and I bit more. You have the general auditions and gigs as you start off in your career. Yet the main part of when you start out as a singer has got to be the sing-a-grams. sing-a-grams or what we can call sags :P are what will level up your singer and eventually get your sim famous. Not unlike the other careers your sims will also have the options to perform ( or street busk ) and or perform for tips , these a great things to do when your sims need a little money , soon enough your sims will be high levels in their careers♦︎

Sunday, 1 March 2015

♦︎Sims 3 Showtime♦︎STARTING OUT♦︎

♦︎Hey guys this week I am starting "SHOWTIME WEEK" basically I will be doing these every so often and the whole week I will be doing two post a day about the in's and out's of showtime. I will be posting "SHOWTIME WEEK" post until friday

♦︎First you are going to have to find the world where all the magic starts...STARLIGHT SHORES. In this magical city , you can find venues to perform and auditions for.

What it should look like on your home  
Map View 

♦︎ Now we have to talk about the new traits and ambitions
♦︎Traits :
♦︎Diva ♦︎Natural Born Performa
♦︎Ambitions :
♦︎ Singer ♦︎Acrobat ♦︎Magician

♦︎You have 3 house option , I swear these are some of the best house options in any sims 3 Expansion out to date.